“Research in Technologies for the conception of ultra-flexible and self-reconfigurable Manufacturing Systeems ensuring a fully agile and modular production” and acronym “FLEX 24/7”. File No.: ZE-2021/00041
“Research in Technologies for the conception of ultra-flexible and self-reconfigurable Manufacturing Systeems ensuring a fully agile and modular production” and acronym “FLEX 24/7”. File No.: ZE-2021/00041
“Data science for collaborative exploitation in the advanced manufacturing VALUE CHAIN trhough intelligent and interoperable management of DIGITAL models” and acronym “DIGIVaCh”. File No.: ZE-2021/00026
“New intelligent and comprehensive control platform for the digital transformation of the industry” and acronym “CONINTEL”. File No.: ZL-2021/00170
“New tools to help the engineering make smart use of IoT” and acronym “ARROWHEAD TOOLS”.
File No.: 826452
“Digital Products and Analytics Solutions for Advanced Manufacturing Services” and acronym “DIPAM”. Call 2019-2020
“Robust light structuring tecniques for application in industrial environments” and acronym “TELURO-AEI”.
File No.: RTC2019-007113-3
“Access solution to a plant data management system integration previous generation devices” and acronym “IIOT4ALL”.
File No.: AEI-010500-2020-135
“New high precision angular encoder oriented to special working environemnts characterized by high vacuum, radiactivity and vibrations” and acronym “ALVARAVI”.
File No. ZL-2019/00068